Kemetic Reiki is an ancient science of spiritual healing that was practiced by the Egyptian priests, physicians and layman. This book is the Level 1 manual for learning the craft of Kemetic Reiki for personal spiritual development. It includes vital information about the powerful energies of Sekhmet (healing power) and Maat (complete balance). Readers are guided in the skills of working with Spirit guides, chakras, aura, spiritual baths and much more. There are also exercises to help prepare the student for advanced spiritual teachings.
Kemetic Reiki is an ancient science of spiritual healing that was practiced by the Egyptian priests, physicians and layman. This book is the Level 1 m...
Catharina Ingelman-Sundberg Rekhit Kajara Nia Yaa Nebthet
Kemetic Reiki Level 2, the second in a three part training manual series, is for those who have taken the time to develop themselves in the basic precepts of Kemetic Reiki Level 1 and now want to use those skills to heal others. The reader learns to use elemental therapy and tools to gain a basic understanding of crystals and pendulum uses from an African perspective. The advance methods of healing that are introduced include group healing, distance healing, Kemetic prayers, affirmations and more.
Kemetic Reiki Level 2, the second in a three part training manual series, is for those who have taken the time to develop themselves in the basic prec...
Le Reiki Kemetique est une science ancienne de guerison spirituelle, qui etait pratiquee par les pretres Egyptiens, les medecins et les profanes. Ce livre est le manuel Niveau 1 pour apprendre l'art du Reiki Kemetique pour le developpement personnel et spirituel. Il contient des informations vitales concernant les energies puissantes de Sekhmet (pouvoir de guerison) et Maat (equilibre complet). Les lecteurs sont guides dans les competences de travail avec les Guides Spirituels, les chakras, l'aura, les bains spirituels et beaucoup plus. Il y a egalement des exercices pour aider l'etudiant a...
Le Reiki Kemetique est une science ancienne de guerison spirituelle, qui etait pratiquee par les pretres Egyptiens, les medecins et les profanes. Ce l...