This book includes the first two volumes in the "The Adventures of Roland McCray" series with minor revisions and corrections but no additional material added. These are not adventure stories in the action-packed thriller style, but rather the little, yet important, adventures experienced in every moment of life. This saga of Roland McCray's adventures begins in the 1960's and recalls a simpler time to be a kid, when children played outdoors for hours instead of spending hours on their smart phones, tablets and video games, and follows Roland through those angst-ridden teenage years when he...
This book includes the first two volumes in the "The Adventures of Roland McCray" series with minor revisions and corrections but no additional materi...
"Falling Water: Stories & Poetry" takes a incisive, penetrating look at life This collection offers an insightful look at the realities we all face- the highs and the lows, hope, happiness, joy and the inevitable grief and suffering that must accompany the good. Most of the stories and poems in this were compiled from handwritten notes in journals I've been keeping for several years. These are tales of love, and loss, hope, strength, acceptance and the courage to carry on in the face of adversity. There is sadness in these vignettes, but also hope in the redeeming goodness of life. ""I'm...
"Falling Water: Stories & Poetry" takes a incisive, penetrating look at life This collection offers an insightful look at the realities we all face- ...