This is the third installment in the saga of Andy Reid, a young man with a mission to uncover the truth about secrets, some long held, in out of the way locations, such as Cape Cod.
This is the third installment in the saga of Andy Reid, a young man with a mission to uncover the truth about secrets, some long held, in out of the w...
The world of Andy Reid is in chaos as he suffers from amnesia, and frequent mental lapses. His wife and daughter have struggled to keep him on track and functioning. His life is far from simple, as well-meaning friends from the past attempt to help and in some case, hinder his progress. Follow Andy as he navigates the technological progress of the mid 1990's.
The world of Andy Reid is in chaos as he suffers from amnesia, and frequent mental lapses. His wife and daughter have struggled to keep him on track a...