Christmas Lost and Found is a tale of two Christmases. In "The Christmas Healer" we meet the Duncans, a Colorado ranching family devastated by the loss of their husband and father, John. In "A Farmhouse Christmas" we meet the Drake family, struggling to survive and keep Christmas alive during the height of the great Depression on their farm in upstate New York. Poignant and touching, these stories will both entertain and inspire you. Show more Show less
Christmas Lost and Found is a tale of two Christmases. In "The Christmas Healer" we meet the Duncans, a Colorado ranching family devastated by the los...
Little Zoot is just like any other playful eight year old child - she likes climbing trees, playing hide and seek, and fishing in forest creeks. It's a good thing that she has Big Doot to look out for her - otherwise, she'd get into heaps of mischief by herself She's curious and inquisitive and ever-so-forward, especially when she meets new people - like the humans who sometimes venture into the woods. That's right. Little Zoot doesn't look like the girl next door. She's a sasquatch The Adventures of Big Doot and Little Zoot: School Days is the second in a series of stories that illustrate...
Little Zoot is just like any other playful eight year old child - she likes climbing trees, playing hide and seek, and fishing in forest creeks. It's ...