In the breathtaking conclusion to the Keeper of the Emerald trilogy, Emily and her friends are now involved in their most dangerous adventure yet. Emily is faced with the troublesome decision of whether or not she should use her emerald to help a young girl who has been abducted. In addition, Emily and her friends face a school shooting. Amidst these problems, Emily learns of a mystical ancient world where no human has ever set foot before. After traveling to this world, one of Emily's closest friends disappears in a mysterious jungle. In their action-packed attempt to find this friend, they...
In the breathtaking conclusion to the Keeper of the Emerald trilogy, Emily and her friends are now involved in their most dangerous adventure yet. Emi...
Expressions contains copies of original paintings by B.C. Harris. Each of the paintings expresses an emotion, a concept, or even a single word found within the quotes of famous artists. This is a full-color book reproducing 70 original paintings by B.C. Harris.
Expressions contains copies of original paintings by B.C. Harris. Each of the paintings expresses an emotion, a concept, or even a single word found w...
Tammy Canning is a sixteen year-old girl who has lived a life of rejection and pain. Arriving at school one morning, Tammy discovers that a mysterious nude video of her has been posted online. Before the day ends, Tammy is rushed unconscious to the hospital. As a small group of students attempt to solve the puzzle of what happened to Tammy, the clues lead to a powerful clique of the most popular students in the school. Revenge from an unusual source results in a surprising ending.
Tammy Canning is a sixteen year-old girl who has lived a life of rejection and pain. Arriving at school one morning, Tammy discovers that a mysterious...