"The Motor City and Me: Our Story" by Mary Anne McMahon highlights the rich history of Detroit and how the Motor City has left a lasting impact on one woman and her family. Primarily following McMahon's life and experiences in Detroit, "The Motor City and Me" tells her story from growing up as a young girl in the city and graduating from the University of Detroit to beginning her adult life and eventually moving away. Although she left the city long ago, McMahon's story shows readers how the Motor City has permanently changed her for the better. Paralleling the rise and fall of Detroit with...
"The Motor City and Me: Our Story" by Mary Anne McMahon highlights the rich history of Detroit and how the Motor City has left a lasting impact on one...
In the middle of the twentieth century, Detroit, Michigan, was booming. Many young families saw it as the perfect place to raise their children.
Mary Anne McMahon was one of the daughters of Motor City. In her memoirs, she chronicles the changes Detroit experienced at the time and the cultural life of the thriving city.
McMahon shares stories from her happy adolescence at Detroit's Catholic schools. Growing up in the Motor City gave her a unique experience, and you can feel the love she still has for her hometown. McMahon eventually moved on to Houston, Texas, and she...
In the middle of the twentieth century, Detroit, Michigan, was booming. Many young families saw it as the perfect place to raise their children.