Are You Fit to Represent Christ and His Kingdom? The Great Commission of our Lord Jesus commands us to make disciples of all nations, i.e., among all the people groups of the families of humankind. In order to fulfill his great command, we must understand what it means to be a disciple, a follower of our Rabbi Jesus in the 21st century. The Vision for Discipleship Seminar is the Urban Ministry Institute's attempt to raise up a new generation of qualified spiritual laborers who will catch the passion to invest in others for the sake of the Church and Christ's Kingdom. This handbook represents...
Are You Fit to Represent Christ and His Kingdom? The Great Commission of our Lord Jesus commands us to make disciples of all nations, i.e., among all ...
We will follow the storyline of Gladiator, a gripping movie tale of a general who became a slave, a slave who became a gladiator, and a gladiator that defied an emperor. As modern-day soldiers of Jesus Christ, we are called to a life of freedom, to a warfare that is constant, and to a struggle that will end in victory for those who endure. Christ's call is a call to a discipleship that holds no reserves (giving full surrender to the Lord), that knows no retreat (holds its ground in the worst of battles), and owns no regrets (fights bravely till the end, no matter what). Come, and join the...
We will follow the storyline of Gladiator, a gripping movie tale of a general who became a slave, a slave who became a gladiator, and a gladiator that...
Vamos a seguir la historia del Gladiador, un cuento de pelicula de agarre de un general que se convirtio en un esclavo, un esclavo que se convirtio en un gladiador y un gladiador que desafio a un emperador. Como soldados de Jesucristo hoy en dia, estamos llamados a una vida de libertad, a una guerra que es constante, y a una lucha que terminara en victoria para aquellos que la soporten. El llamado de Cristo es un llamado a un discipulado sin reservas (dando entrega total al Senor), que no conoce la retirada (tiene su fundamento en la peor de las batallas), y no posee excusas (pelea...
Vamos a seguir la historia del Gladiador, un cuento de pelicula de agarre de un general que se convirtio en un esclavo, un esclavo que se convirtio en...
The goal of this course is not just that you understand the different scholarly issues surrounding Hebrews, or some questions we are bound to begin to wrestle with, but to grow in your own love for and walk with Christ. The study of Hebrews is one of the most important studies in Scripture. As a matter of fact, we have selected the book of Hebrews at the Institute as the book that ties both Old and New Testament together in the person and work of Jesus. Hebrews is significant for many reasons. First, it establishes Jesus' divinity as God's Son and heir. Second, it shows his fulfillment and...
The goal of this course is not just that you understand the different scholarly issues surrounding Hebrews, or some questions we are bound to begin to...