The Blood of Jesus (4 sermons) The seven different ways that Jesus bled on the cross represent seven different things that Jesus came to redeem us from, seven things that the blood of Jesus Christ addresses. This series discusses the first use of blood during the passover in Egypt, and then onto the Day of Atonement, where the blood was applied to the mercy seat seven times, and the symbolism of the scapegoat. Sins, Transgressions, and Inequity are compared, and related to exactly how and why Jesus blood was shed for us.
First Principles (7 sermons) ...
23 Sermons Transcripts
The Blood of Jesus (4 sermons) The seven different ways that Jesus bled on the cross represent seven different thing...
Taming the Tongue: Power of Words Diseases of the Tongue Empty Words Dealing with Put-Downs (Part 1) Dealing with Put-Downs (Part 2) Power Of Agreement Hasty Words Verbal Abuse Creative power of the Tongue Wise Words Shaping Your Own World Creative Power of the Tongue
Destiny and Purpose: Desire, Dreams & Destiny Destiny Hurdles Desires & the Will of God The Cross and the Kingdom Dream Killers - What to do About Them Dream Thieves - Delays & Disappointments The Holy Spirit & the Will of God
2 sets of sermon transcripts (19 sermons)
Taming the Tongue: Power of Words Diseases of the Tongue Empty Words Dealing with Put-Downs (Part 1) ...
Powerful sermons about living and moving with the Holy Ghost, hearing from god, and being productive in the unique work he has called you to do.
Sermon titles include: 1. Easter Service (2012) 2. The Truth about Tattoos 3. Five Seconds After You Die 4. Spirit of Mammon (1 of 4) 5. Put God First (2 of 4) 6. Generosity (3 of 4) 7. Generosity (4 of 4 8. Two Principles that Release the Best in People 9. Handling Life's Difficult Experiences 10. Gods Mandate to Parents 11. Relationship or Rights 12. Witchcraft in Relationships 13....
Powerful sermons about living and moving with the Holy Ghost, hearing from god, and being productive in the unique work he has called you to do. <...