Master these tips and you will have mastered the secrets of a long, loving relationship Tips for the newlyweds contain recommendations gleaned from the wisdom of the ages--the importance of communication, the importance of interpersonal skills, the importance of making a spouse feel special, needed, wanted, and loved. Tip #1, See the invisible tattoo on your spouse's forehead that reads, "Please make me feel important," sets the stage for learning the "how-to" of fulfilling that tip. Master that one tip, and the rest will fall easily into place.As William Lyon Phelps said, The highest...
Master these tips and you will have mastered the secrets of a long, loving relationship Tips for the newlyweds contain recommendations gleaned from t...
This Tips book is about the human relations side of being a board member. In order to be effective as a school board member, you need the public, especially the parents, to support what you are doing. This Tips booklet contains the wisdom of the ages insofar as effective communication, attitude, and human relation skills are concerned related to dealing effectively with people, especially those who feel so strongly about any decision you make. Anything that affects a child will be monitored very carefully by the parents. If they feel offended or not listened to, they will rebel, consequently...
This Tips book is about the human relations side of being a board member. In order to be effective as a school board member, you need the public, espe...
Graduation from high school, college, or graduate school projects a person into a very dissimilar type of world, one seen from an entirely new perspective. Dealing with the new people and with co-workers professionally on a daily basis should be an exciting and satisfying experience, but, in reality, can be also filled with challenges and frustrations. The purpose of this book is make information available to graduates in order to prepare them to professionally handle any provocation that may arise within the context of their next endeavor. Procedures change. Products change. Personnel within...
Graduation from high school, college, or graduate school projects a person into a very dissimilar type of world, one seen from an entirely new perspec...