ONE KINGDOM. ONE DESTINY. Glastonbury, 1005 AD: a dying Abbot foresees the coming of the Northmen and dreadful devastation in the land... Guildford, 1036: A small boy watches a troop of horsemen advancing in the snow bringing with them something terrible to behold... Westminster, 1066: a dying king makes his choice for the throne that will change the course of history... THE DEVIL'S INHERITANCE The Devil's Inheritance is the saga of the Norman Conquest of England spanning over four decades and including a cast of a dozen leading characters. At its centre are the stories of Harold Godwinsson...
ONE KINGDOM. ONE DESTINY. Glastonbury, 1005 AD: a dying Abbot foresees the coming of the Northmen and dreadful devastation in the land... Guildford, 1...