"Serdca treh" - odin iz izvestnejshih romanov Dzheka Londona. Zavorazhivajushhaja istorija kuzenov Frensisa i Genri Morganov, dalekih potomkov velikogo piratskogo kapitana, otpravivshihsja na poiski sokrovishh svoego legendarnogo predka, i prekrasnoj Leonsii, v kotoruju vljubleny oni oba, ne odnazhdy jekranizirovalas' - kak na Zapade, tak i v nashej strane. No dazhe samym udachnym jekranizacijam vse-taki ne udalos' v polnom mere voplotit' vse obajanie i uvlekatel'nost' bessmertnogo romana Dzheka Londona... S illjustracijami.
"Serdca treh" - odin iz izvestnejshih romanov Dzheka Londona. Zavorazhivajushhaja istorija kuzenov Frensisa i Genri Morganov, dalekih potomkov velikog...
V povesti "Morskoj volk" pisatel' Hjemfri Van-Vejden edva ne tonet u beregov Kalifornii, no ego spasajut, i on popadaet na zverobojnuju shhunu "Prizrak." Kapitan shhuny Volk Larsen, nadelennyj nedjuzhinnym umom, siloj i hvatkoj, priznaet tol'ko zhestokij zakon vyzhivanija sil'nejshego. Stav rabom svoego spasitelja, Hjemfri vypolnjaet samuju chernuju rabotu na sudne. Projti tjazhelye ispytanija, vypavshie na ego dolju, emu pomogaet krasavica Mod Bruster, zhertva korablekrushenija, takzhe spasennaja Volkom Larsenom... V rasskaze "Bog ego otcov" povestvuetsja o tom kak vo vladenija Batista...
V povesti "Morskoj volk" pisatel' Hjemfri Van-Vejden edva ne tonet u beregov Kalifornii, no ego spasajut, i on popadaet na zverobojnuju shhunu "Prizra...
V knigu vkljucheny povest' izvestnogo amerikanskogo pisatelja Dzheka Londona Do Adama, anglijskogo pisatelja-fantasta Gerberta Ujellsa Jeto bylo v kamennom veke, tri povesti francuzskogo pisatelja Roni Starshego Bor'ba z a ogon', Peshhernyj lev, Vamirjeh i Prikljuchenija doistoricheskogo mal'chika D'Jervil'i. Jeti proizvedenija otlichajutsja drug ot druga individual'nym stilem povestvovanija, no ih ob#edinjaet obshhaja tema - zhizn' nashih dalekih predkov v kamennom veke. S illjustracijami.
V knigu vkljucheny povest' izvestnogo amerikanskogo pisatelja Dzheka Londona Do Adama, anglijskogo pisatelja-fantasta Gerberta Ujellsa Jeto bylo v kam...
"Martin Iden" - roman vydajushhegosja amerikanskogo pisatelja Dzheka Londona o mechte i uspehe. Prostoj morjak, v kotorom legko uznat' samogo avtora, prohodit dlinnyj, polnyj lishenij put' k literaturnomu bessmertiju... Voleju sluchaja okazavshijsja v svetskom obshhestve, Martin Iden vdvojne schastliv i udivlen: i probudivshimsja v nem tvorcheskim darom, i bozhestvennym obrazom junoj Rufi Morz ("hrupkij zolotistyj cvetok"), tak ne pohozhej na vseh ljudej, kotoryh on znal prezhde... Otnyne dve celi neotstupno stojat pered nim: slava pisatelja i obladanie ljubimoj zhenshhinoj. No mechty...
"Martin Iden" - roman vydajushhegosja amerikanskogo pisatelja Dzheka Londona o mechte i uspehe. Prostoj morjak, v kotorom legko uznat' samogo avtora, ...
Jack London gained his first and most lasting fame as the author of tales of the Klondike gold rush. This, his first collection of stories, draws on his experience in the Yukon. The stories tell of gambles won and lost, of endurance and sacrifice, and often turn on the qualities of exceptional women and on the relations between the white adventurers and the native tribes.
Jack London gained his first and most lasting fame as the author of tales of the Klondike gold rush. This, his first collection of stories, draws on h...
Chronicles the voyages of a ship run by the ruthless Wolf Larsen, among the greatest of London's characters, and spokesman for an extreme individualism London intended to critique.
Chronicles the voyages of a ship run by the ruthless Wolf Larsen, among the greatest of London's characters, and spokesman for an extreme individualis...
Like the celebrated Klondike Tales, the stories that comprise South Sea Tales derive their intensity from the author's own far-flung adventures, conveying an impassioned, unsparing vision borne only of experience. The powerful tales gathered here vividly evoke the turn-of-the-century colonial Pacific and its capricious tropical landscape, while also trenchantly observing the delicate interplay between imperialism and the exotic. And as Tony Horwitz asserts in his Introduction, "When London's stories click, we are utterly there, at the edge of the world and the limit of human endurance."
Like the celebrated Klondike Tales, the stories that comprise South Sea Tales derive their intensity from the author's own far-flung adventures, conve...