Academic librarians have long sought new ways to reach out to their users and support those users' research needs. Now, learning management system (LMS) embedded librarianship is partnering with faculty to deliver research assistance for students right in their LMS course sites. This title describes the LMS environment alongside the larger online resource environment of academic libraries.
Academic librarians have long sought new ways to reach out to their users and support those users' research needs. Now, learning management system (LM...
Information literacy instruction is best when it is integrated into actual research, and in higher education that means embedding librarianship into the learning management system. Tumbleson and Burke have implemented an embedded librarianship program at their university and have surveyed 280 librarians for information on related activities. They conclude that scalability is an issue and offer direction in starting a program that can be adapted and made sustainable, including information on: Implementing a simple pilot program with a librarian and one or two faculty Understanding and managing...
Information literacy instruction is best when it is integrated into actual research, and in higher education that means embedding librarianship into t...