Consider that out there, somewhere, amongst the vastness of the seas, lives a single shark who swims, hunts, sleeps, thinks, and dreams...who may be dong any one of these activities at the same time you yourself are swimming, hunting, sleeping, thinking, and dreaming. Curious, isn't it? That both can share the same earth and do the same thing at the same time? We have some interesting commonalities. The first book by Dr. Jaws is Carcharhinus obscurus.
Consider that out there, somewhere, amongst the vastness of the seas, lives a single shark who swims, hunts, sleeps, thinks, and dreams...who may be d...
Combining 175 years of scientific discipline with a timeless adherence to Romantic, aesthetic, and existential tradition, The Bull Shark Compendium brilliantly explores the science, culture, and philosophy surrounding one of the world's most legendary creatures: the commanding Carcharhinus leucas. Beginning in 1841 with Muller & Henle's first description of the species, The Bull Shark Compendium tours 193 scientific papers featuring Carcharhinus leucas via a remarkably concise but informative two-page format: The Page of Science (left) and The Page of Conjecture (right). The Page of Science's...
Combining 175 years of scientific discipline with a timeless adherence to Romantic, aesthetic, and existential tradition, The Bull Shark Compendium br...