It seems that government wants to invade every part of our lives: our workplace, our religion, even our families. And now our debt As a small businessman, I am appalled at the spending deficit, year after year. Don't our people in Congress know that even the interest on our national debt is a backbreaking load on our economy? Perhaps we have too many lawyers roaming the Hallowed Halls and too few responsible businessmen.
The awful specter of death overwhelmed me. Never again would I hear her bubbly laughter as she jumped into my lap to hug me. Never again would she delight us with her...
It seems that government wants to invade every part of our lives: our workplace, our religion, even our families. And now our debt As a small busi...
It seems that government wants to invade every part of our lives: our workplace, our religion, even our families. And now our debt As a small businessman, I am appalled at the spending deficit, year after year. Don't our people in Congress know that even the interest on our national debt is a backbreaking load on our economy? Perhaps we have too many lawyers roaming the Hallowed Halls and too few responsible businessmen.
The awful specter of death overwhelmed me. Never again would I hear her bubbly laughter as she jumped into my lap to hug me. Never again would she delight us with her...
It seems that government wants to invade every part of our lives: our workplace, our religion, even our families. And now our debt As a small busi...