The story of Job is explained with an application to the afflictions of righteous people who endure persecution - A message of hope for those who are being tested for their faith - A time of preparation for greater ministry and service for the Lord.
The story of Job is explained with an application to the afflictions of righteous people who endure persecution - A message of hope for those who are ...
For two thousand years the story of Jesus has been published and preached around the world. The Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John in the New Testament were originally selected as New Testament Canon late in the Third Century among the Gentile Churches, and the name 'Jesus Christ' was incorporated therein to replace His Jewish name of 'Yahshua the Messiah'. The story of Jesus is presented herewith and incorporates all the aspects of the Four Gospels as presented in the King James Bible and selected Scriptures from the Books of Acts and Revelation which reflect upon future events.
For two thousand years the story of Jesus has been published and preached around the world. The Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John in the New Tes...