Back in 2007, a seventeen-year-old Chicago high school student, Stephen Brush, was anxious about a couple of things on his mind; a National Competition for the Turbo Cycle video game, coming up that Saturday, and his girlfriend's insistence that he spend some time with her. These issues take a natural course and work out better than Stephen could hope for. Yet success in this competition places Stephen among an elite group of gamers--who are abducted. Stephen wakes to find himself with these gamers, in a place so unbelievable and restrictive, at first he thinks he is dreaming or on another...
Back in 2007, a seventeen-year-old Chicago high school student, Stephen Brush, was anxious about a couple of things on his mind; a National Competitio...
THE WAR ON WITCHES explains the connected lives of, Matt, and P.F.C. R.R.P. These tales fill in for readers of the LAST GAME SERIES some of the behind the scenes individuals and history of Sightmen City. The uniqueness of these tales are without doubt "captivation" from beginning to end. At which point your story, a new chapter may begin; because, if you choose, your journey may begin from here.
THE WAR ON WITCHES explains the connected lives of, Matt, and P.F.C. R.R.P. These tales fill in for readers of the LAST GAME SERIES some of the behind...