Pour la plupart d'entre nous, savoir comment rendre un homme fou de plaisir en le caressant uniquement avec les mains n'est pas inne et demande de posseder des connaissances et des habiletes erotiques qui ne vont pas necessairement de soi ou ne font pas simplement appel a l'intuition. C'est pourquoi L'ART DE CARESSER UN HOMME est un guide illustre indispensable, pratique et facile a suivre, qui vous apprendra a procurer a l'autre un plaisir extatique d'une rare intensite, juste avec vos mains. Debordant d'informations precieuses et de judicieux conseils sur l'anatomie masculine et la facon...
Pour la plupart d'entre nous, savoir comment rendre un homme fou de plaisir en le caressant uniquement avec les mains n'est pas inne et demande de pos...
Knowing how to drive a man wild with pleasure using only your hands doesn't come naturally to most of us, and requires knowledge and erotic skills that aren't always obvious or intuitive. Fortunately, His Body, Your Hands is a practical and easy-to-follow illustrated guide that shows you how to give intense, rapturous pleasure using just your hands. Packed with useful information, advice and insights about male anatomy and sexual response, you'll discover the most exquisitely pleasurable points on the male sexual organs and other erogenous zones of which even most men are unaware Dive...
Knowing how to drive a man wild with pleasure using only your hands doesn't come naturally to most of us, and requires knowledge and erotic skills tha...
Scientific Essay from the year 2007 in the subject Business economics - Miscellaneous, grade: A, Western Illinois University, language: English, abstract: This paper deals with the difference of potential returns of diverse assets within a long-term period. Recent articles investigated an unexplainable abnormality of long term returns of stocks in comparison to risk-free securities even if stocks were risk- adjusted. This phenomenon is called the Equity Premium Puzzle. With this paper we want to investigate how current investors make use of the disclosures of these papers. Since one...
Scientific Essay from the year 2007 in the subject Business economics - Miscellaneous, grade: A, Western Illinois University, language: English, abstr...