In this sequel to the heartfelt, life changing hit novel Just Like Daddy, we are drawn deeper into the lives of the Hawkins men, Nigel and JR. Nigel, the recovering addict and convicted felon, has transformed himself into a God fearing, successful family and business man who is respected by the community. JR, on the other hand, undaunted by the tragic events of his past, has become more deeply entrenched in the thug lifestyle as the head of the Money Kings drug family. His every thought and emotion is consumed with the quest for more money and power. Unexpected life events and careless...
In this sequel to the heartfelt, life changing hit novel Just Like Daddy, we are drawn deeper into the lives of the Hawkins men, Nigel and JR. Nigel, ...
Mox Daniels is handsome, intelligent, and very aware of life's obstacles. He values trust, integrity, and he lives by the code of honor. As a child, he witnessed the horrific murders of both of his parents and it scarred him for life. From that day forward, he vowed that no matter what obstacles came his way, he would find the mysterious killer and seek the ultimate revenge. When he meets the lovely, street savvy Priscilla Davis, a powerful bond is instantly formed, and life as he knew it, took a drastic change. With the help of his cousin Cleo, the two men form The Union. Money is power and...
Mox Daniels is handsome, intelligent, and very aware of life's obstacles. He values trust, integrity, and he lives by the code of honor. As a child, h...
The sequel to the **AMERICAN NATIONAL BESTSELLER** The Union is here One of the most **highly anticipated** urban fiction titles of the year **** With Mox on the receiving end of a bullet, and his fate in the hands of a higher power, Priscilla must gather her strength, in order to save those she loves most. To save her family, she must recover their 7 year old daughter, Brandi from the clutching grasp of the Child Protective System. She soon learns that the doing things the right way could have been a wrong decision. Can she hurdle the obstacles that are placed in her path and reconstruct a...
The sequel to the **AMERICAN NATIONAL BESTSELLER** The Union is here One of the most **highly anticipated** urban fiction titles of the year **** Wi...
When a mother and daughter team up and become crime partners, what do you think will happen? Especially when "Mama" is a famous porn star... When "Honey Lips" becomes a party in a fatal love triangle, leaving Lola to her own devices, what is a young woman to do, but to turn to what she knows best. Sex... the more deviant the better. A story of a young woman trying to find her way in life with a bit of sadism and masochism to fill the hollow cavities of her heart. The Psychological study of Lola Lohan is an epic tale of sex and lust.
When a mother and daughter team up and become crime partners, what do you think will happen? Especially when "Mama" is a famous porn star... When "Hon...
Storm Johnson doesn't play by the rules; he makes the rules. The dashing international jewel thief travels the world stealing hearts and family heirlooms while living the good life. With his crew of loyal and lethal professionals behind him, there is nothing he can't do.
Loyalty is tested, and bonds are broken when jealousy, pride, and greed enter the picture. One night of bad decisions shatter the close-knit team, and Storm must now rebuild while facing an adversary he once considered his closest associate. Sex is a weapon as Storm forms an all-female squad to prepare for the...
Storm Johnson doesn't play by the rules; he makes the rules. The dashing international jewel thief travels the world stealing hearts and family hei...