Fair Trading This work fills the pressing need for a small but concise work on the fiqh of trade. While it does not cover everything in great detail, it is a very valuable outline of this much neglected area, in a non-specialist language that should be accessible to any Muslim who engages in trade. Dr. Asadullah Yate Dr. Yate (Cantab.) has translated works from Arabic, Persian, German and French, and, in collaboration with others, from Turkish. Among his published works are Ibn Rushd, Mujtahid of Europe, containing his translation of the chapters on usury from Bidayat al-Mujtahid. He teaches...
Fair Trading This work fills the pressing need for a small but concise work on the fiqh of trade. While it does not cover everything in great detail, ...
Al-Murshid al-Mu'een is a widely recognised primary text for learning Islam in North Africa. In it the author, Abd al-Wahid ibn 'Ashir, summarises in verse the three sciences of Islam, Iman and Ihsan: Maliki fiqh, Ash'ari 'aqida and Junaidi tasawwuf. This is its first complete translation into English. Dr. Asadullah Yate is also the translator of Shaykh Ahmad bin al-Bashir al-Qalawi ash-Shinqiti's (1216 AH/1802 CE- 1276 AH/1853 CE) Mufid al-'Ibad, a very full commentary on al-Murshid al-Mu'een, which is published by Diwan Press in English as "Islam in the School of Madina."
Al-Murshid al-Mu'een is a widely recognised primary text for learning Islam in North Africa. In it the author, Abd al-Wahid ibn 'Ashir, summarises in ...
The Secret Garden This work is important in that it contains all the principles of the science of tasawwuf in a concise form. Furthermore, it is the first translation freed of the centuries-old baggage of christian and orientalist vocabulary which has often obscured the teachings of Islam. Thus, instead of the 'mystic' statements of a 'Sufi Doctor', we have Shaykh Mahmud Shabistari's lucid exposition of the deen of Islam. He demonstrates in his analysis of the lower self how a man or woman can gain access to his or her reality: the step by step description of the method of purification leads...
The Secret Garden This work is important in that it contains all the principles of the science of tasawwuf in a concise form. Furthermore, it is the f...