"Holiday Tales" from William Henry Harrison Murray. Clergyman and author of an influential series of articles and books which popularized the Adirondacks (1840-1904).
"Holiday Tales" from William Henry Harrison Murray. Clergyman and author of an influential series of articles and books which popularized the Adironda...
"How Deacon Tubman and Parson Whitney Kept New Year's" from William Henry Harrison Murray. Clergyman and author of an influential series of articles and books which popularized the Adirondacks (1840-1904).
"How Deacon Tubman and Parson Whitney Kept New Year's" from William Henry Harrison Murray. Clergyman and author of an influential series of articles a...
"How John Norton the Trapper Kept His Christmas" from William Henry Harrison Murray. Clergyman and author of an influential series of articles and books which popularized the Adirondacks (1840-1904).
"How John Norton the Trapper Kept His Christmas" from William Henry Harrison Murray. Clergyman and author of an influential series of articles and boo...
"The Busted Ex Texan" from William Henry Harrison Murray. Clergyman and author of an influential series of articles and books which popularized the Adirondacks (1840-1904).
"The Busted Ex Texan" from William Henry Harrison Murray. Clergyman and author of an influential series of articles and books which popularized the Ad...