Juxtapose for a minute that you were planning an innuendo and later recovering in the windward. To the simple-minded, the previous sentence will be difficult if not impossible to understand. We need be neither simple-minded nor simple-minded. Fear not Definitions: The Ultra New Revised Standard Version is available in book form to assist you in understanding the improved meanings of everyday words and even the lesser-known words. Although very rarely seen these days, a farthing is best viewed with prescription glasses (if visually impaired), with binoculars, or even utilizing a telescope....
Juxtapose for a minute that you were planning an innuendo and later recovering in the windward. To the simple-minded, the previous sentence will be...
Juxtapose for a minute that you were planning an innuendo and later recovering in the windward. To the simple-minded, the previous sentence will be difficult if not impossible to understand. We need be neither simple-minded nor simple-minded. Fear not Definitions: The Ultra New Revised Standard Version is available in book form to assist you in understanding the improved meanings of everyday words and even the lesser-known words. Although very rarely seen these days, a farthing is best viewed with prescription glasses (if visually impaired), with binoculars, or even utilizing a telescope....
Juxtapose for a minute that you were planning an innuendo and later recovering in the windward. To the simple-minded, the previous sentence will be...