This poem has been called "Epic" by those who have read it. It is a metered poem and is most enjoyed when read in the meter. There is an underlying theme throughout this 52 page poem that addresses the issue of good versus evil, because to the Churchill family of Glen Ellyn, Illinois this was a forever issue. The poem begins with the first Churchill departing England for Plymouth Rock in 1643. He purchased land in Camillus, New York. It was passed from generation to generation until the Erie Canal split it in 1825. Unable to farm the Churchill's travelled west to an area southwest of Chicago....
This poem has been called "Epic" by those who have read it. It is a metered poem and is most enjoyed when read in the meter. There is an underlying th...
This book is the 2nd volume of a series of 5 to be published. It deals exclusively with the paternal ancestral history of the author. This volume contains 28 documents and 420 photographs. It spans a period from 1642 through March 7, 2014
This book is the 2nd volume of a series of 5 to be published. It deals exclusively with the paternal ancestral history of the author. This volume cont...