Henry Wilson, an adventurous teen, stumbles over clues pointing to a hidden pirate treasure. As he undertakes the quest to find the gold, Henry discovers greed can destroy lives. Henry's life hangs in the balance as he is called on to rescue friends trapped in a web of evil. His treasure hunt leads him to discover true riches.
Henry Wilson, an adventurous teen, stumbles over clues pointing to a hidden pirate treasure. As he undertakes the quest to find the gold, Henry discov...
This snarky analysis of management habits pokes fun at cheese seekers who are scrambling to consume the pile. The author is a longtime professional engineer with real-world experience in the trenches at several telecommunications concerns. Prepare yourself for humorous enlightenment as you explore the habits of highly defective managers. Reader comments: "I was quite shocked at how many habits you describe are practiced at the place I work now." - Anonymous Engineer "This book shows the truth about management in a sarcastic, entertaining way. Anyone in any profession will be able to relate."...
This snarky analysis of management habits pokes fun at cheese seekers who are scrambling to consume the pile. The author is a longtime professional en...
Henry Wilson volunteers to assist a geologist on her quest to prove an unusual theory. Their journey leads them into conflict with a band of nefarious smugglers who will stop at nothing to protect their operation. Henry must confront danger and summon his courage to push beyond his fears. Survival depends on never giving up.
Henry Wilson volunteers to assist a geologist on her quest to prove an unusual theory. Their journey leads them into conflict with a band of nefarious...
This book is for guys-married, unmarried, looking, or clueless. Guys hate lectures, touchy-feely relationship advice, discussions about personal strengths and weaknesses, and advice for getting in touch with their inner whatever. Guys need books that get to the point. Single guys, are you interested in learning the secrets to finding a good wife? Married guys, do you need help moving your wife closer to the standard of perfection? Divorced guys, can you use helpful tips before your next dip in the marital pool? Onnah Quest, a twenty-something seeking guidance on finding a suitable wife,...
This book is for guys-married, unmarried, looking, or clueless. Guys hate lectures, touchy-feely relationship advice, discussions about personal stren...