We all work at home even if we aren t telecommuters, entrepreneurs or stay-at-home parents. Whether we re paying the bills, helping children with homework, or operating a home-based business, time at home often requires us to spend hours at home workstations. Most of the time, we don t realize we re using our equipment in unhealthy ways. Fortunately, you can reduce the wear and tear on your body by learning about ergonomics. In this guidebook, a longtime medical anthropologist shares tips and strategies that enable you to develop habits to work efficiently and comfortably; conserve your...
We all work at home even if we aren t telecommuters, entrepreneurs or stay-at-home parents. Whether we re paying the bills, helping children with home...
We all work at home--even if we aren't telecommuters, entrepreneurs or stay-at-home parents. Whether we're paying the bills, helping children with homework, or operating a home-based business, time at home often requires us to spend hours at home workstations. Most of the time, we don't realize we're using our equipment in unhealthy ways. Fortunately, you can reduce the wear and tear on your body by learning about ergonomics. In this guidebook, a longtime medical anthropologist shares tips and strategies that enable you to develop habits to work efficiently and comfortably; conserve your...
We all work at home--even if we aren't telecommuters, entrepreneurs or stay-at-home parents. Whether we're paying the bills, helping children with ...