Epicurus, a Greek philosopher who lived 2300 years ago, suggested that we all seek happiness which he defined as having a healthy body and tranquil psyche. This book explores Epicurus' way to happiness, including the problems that Epicurus tells us we will encounter trying to achieve happiness; the directions that Epicurus offers to help us to achieve happiness; and finally, the strategies that Epicurus offers to help us to overcome these problems and to successfully follow his directions. Quotations are new translations from the Greek texts available today. All key words are linked to the...
Epicurus, a Greek philosopher who lived 2300 years ago, suggested that we all seek happiness which he defined as having a healthy body and tranquil ps...
Jesus, who was born in Judea approximately 2000 years ago, suggested that we all seek the kingdom of God which Jesus tells us is where there is no hunger, no adversities, no hardships, no sorrow, but forgiveness, peace and joy. This book explores Jesus' way to the kingdom of God, including the directions that Jesus offers to help us to reach the kingdom of God; the problems that Jesus tells us we will encounter trying to reach the kingdom of God; and finally, the strategies that Jesus offers to help us to overcome these problems and to successfully follow his directions. Quotations are new...
Jesus, who was born in Judea approximately 2000 years ago, suggested that we all seek the kingdom of God which Jesus tells us is where there is no hun...
The Buddha, who was born in north India approximately 2500 years ago, suggested that we all seek nirvana which the Buddha tells us is a state free from suffering. This book explores the Buddha's way to nirvana, including the directions that the Buddha offers to help us to reach nirvana; the problems that the Buddha tells us we will encounter trying to reach nirvana; and finally, the strategies that the Buddha offers to help us to overcome these problems and to successfully follow his directions. Quotations are new translations from the Pali texts available today. All key words are linked to...
The Buddha, who was born in north India approximately 2500 years ago, suggested that we all seek nirvana which the Buddha tells us is a state free fro...
Lao Tzu, who lived in China approximately 2600 years ago, tells us to seek that natural nameless state where there is peace and harmony. This book explores the way of Lao Tzu: the destination that Lao Tzu tells us to seek; the directions that Lao Tzu offers to help us to reach the destination; the problems that Lao Tzu tells us we will encounter trying to reach the destination; and finally, the strategies that Lao Tzu offers to help us to overcome these problems and to successfully follow his directions. Quotations are new translations from the Chinese texts available today. All key words are...
Lao Tzu, who lived in China approximately 2600 years ago, tells us to seek that natural nameless state where there is peace and harmony. This book exp...