Asch Hunter, paranormal detective, is summoned to the remote town of Cold Springs to investigate claims of a malicious haunting. Between a village with a hidden past that the residents would kill to protect, a secretive biomedical research corporation, a sultry town girl who could prove to be either a pleasant diversion or Asch's worst nightmare, and multiple malignant supernatural entities running amok, this might be the most dangerous case of Asch's career. Soon the question becomes not whether he can solve his client's case, but whether he can even make it out of Cold Springs alive.
Asch Hunter, paranormal detective, is summoned to the remote town of Cold Springs to investigate claims of a malicious haunting. Between a village wit...
A Longtime Caregiver's Inspirational Guide to Understanding and Ultimately Succeeding at Caregiving.
James Walker is not only Jessica's Dad and an award winning author and designer, but along with his wife RenEe, has been Jessica's 24/7 caregiver for nearly 40 years.
In this book he follows up on his first book, 'Growing Up with Jessica: A True Story: Blessed by the Unexpected Parenting of a Special Needs Child.' by carefully recounting the lessons learned and truths revealed, throughout their caregiving experiences.
..".after many years of 24/7...
A Longtime Caregiver's Inspirational Guide to Understanding and Ultimately Succeeding at Caregiving.