Perfect for fans of The Mortal Instruments series by Cassandra Clare, this intriguing urban fantasy follows the story of Kat Chanter, who discovers that the world she knows is controlled by ancient creatures who feed on blood. And she might just be one of them ... Lately things have been getting weird for pathology technician Kat Chanter. She's been craving raw meat, and having dreams so realistic they're scary. When she accepts a job offer from the prestigious Hema Castus Research Institute, she hopes she'll have the chance to discover what's wrong with her, but instead, her move to New...
Perfect for fans of The Mortal Instruments series by Cassandra Clare, this intriguing urban fantasy follows the story of Kat Chanter, who discovers th...
It's open war between the Families of Power and the Taberin. Two ancient races, witch and vampire, are locked in a deadly battle, and Kat Chanter, descendant of both warring bloodlines, is the only hope for peace ... With the fate of two races resting on her shoulders, Kat is determined to make the best of her forced visit to her grandmother Imara's Napa compound, and learn all she can about the Families of Power and her newly discovered witch heritage. But she quickly learns that Imara's word can't be trusted. Prejudice runs deep in the old coven leader, and her grandmother remains...
It's open war between the Families of Power and the Taberin. Two ancient races, witch and vampire, are locked in a deadly battle, and Kat Chanter, des...