Quantum Self Healing outlines a revolutionary method for healing and transformation. It is simplicity itself and the author, through his vision, and years of working with people creating and generating personal mandalas brings you a modality whereby you can simply and instantaneously connect with your new DNA and build a resonance with your cellular memory and thus make changes physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually towards balance and wellness. When reading this book expect to experience a significant shift in alignment to yourself. Nicky includes an account of his own, rather...
Quantum Self Healing outlines a revolutionary method for healing and transformation. It is simplicity itself and the author, through his vision, and y...
The months from December 2012 were all about the choices we are each made as to whether to continue to live in the old paradigm of fear and drama, or whether to take our own power and choose our higher calling from within. This book is based on readings focusing on the liberation of self in these current times. They are powerful reminders of things that have been forgotten and are critical to personal awakening. The chapters stand on their own and are included because they have already helped 100s of readers move to self-empowerment.
The months from December 2012 were all about the choices we are each made as to whether to continue to live in the old paradigm of fear and drama, or ...