Doctor Eric Ransahoff was not a physically attractive man. He was small, frail appearing, and had bushy hair that made his head look too large for his body. However at the New York medical Center he was not measured by the size of his body or his physical attractiveness, he was measured by his medical and surgical skills from which he had become a legend during his surgical residency, saving patients that no one else could save. His residency had now ended and he was compelled to make the decision as to the direction of his career. Ransahoff had achieved the cold steel calm required of a...
Doctor Eric Ransahoff was not a physically attractive man. He was small, frail appearing, and had bushy hair that made his head look too large for his...
Doctor Eric Ransahoff was not a physically attractive man. He was small, frail appearing, and had bushy hair that made his head look too large for his body. However at the New York medical Center he was not measured by the size of his body or his physical attractiveness, he was measured by his medical and surgical skills from which he had become a legend during his surgical residency, saving patients that no one else could save. His residency had now ended and he was compelled to make the decision as to the direction of his career. Ransahoff had achieved the cold steel calm required of a...
Doctor Eric Ransahoff was not a physically attractive man. He was small, frail appearing, and had bushy hair that made his head look too large for his...