Relativity and Redemption is a devotional exposition of the often neglected books of Judges and Ruth. With an engaging and accessible style, the author unpacks the teaching of these books in their historical contexts, while making pertinent applications to modern believers. He quotes some of the best Bible expositors of the past (Matthew Henry, Hamilton Smith, H.L. Rossier among others), and also brings the fruit of his own study to bear on the text. It is not designed as a highly technical commentary, seeking rather to stir the heart via the mind. Having said this, brother Henderson does not...
Relativity and Redemption is a devotional exposition of the often neglected books of Judges and Ruth. With an engaging and accessible style, the autho...
"Nexus" speaks of a connection which links two or more things together. The Evil Nexus investigates seven ways that Christians can, often unwittingly, be unnaturally linked with the devil to accomplish his wicked agenda. Paul sharply rebuked believers in Galatia for their destructive conduct towards each other (Gal. 5:15). Regrettably, this onslaught continues to this day. The Christian community is the only army on earth which regularly permits the assault of its own soldiers, resolutely ignores their wounded, and abandons those missing in action. Dear believer, is it possible that you are...
"Nexus" speaks of a connection which links two or more things together. The Evil Nexus investigates seven ways that Christians can, often unwittingly,...