Brinn, a small Ibalexan, is the last of his kind. After his world is destroyed, he is rescued by the Guardians of Eternal Life, a race of benevolent super beings who have mastered immortality, resurrection, and creation itself. Billions of years ago, they were once known as "human." Humanity has emerged into the New Epochal, a newly born universe created from an ekpyrotic big bang. The Guardians, stewards of the universe, hold the Principal Cause above all things:
Life, a creation of Life, creates Life, and Life lives forever.
The Guardians call Epsilon Truthe, a white dwarf...
Brinn, a small Ibalexan, is the last of his kind. After his world is destroyed, he is rescued by the Guardians of Eternal Life, a race of benevolen...
Brinn, a small Ibalexan, is the last of his kind. After his world is destroyed, he is rescued by the Guardians of Eternal Life, a race of benevolent super beings who have mastered immortality, resurrection, and creation itself. Billions of years ago, they were once known as "human." Humanity has emerged into the New Epochal, a newly born universe created from an ekpyrotic big bang. The Guardians, stewards of the universe, hold the Principal Cause above all things:
Life, a creation of Life, creates Life, and Life lives forever.
The Guardians call Epsilon Truthe, a white dwarf...
Brinn, a small Ibalexan, is the last of his kind. After his world is destroyed, he is rescued by the Guardians of Eternal Life, a race of benevolen...