In The Plain Vanilla Astrologer you'll read about a wide variety of astrological techniques in common use by most astrologers, but you'll also learn about several older methods found in very few, if any, other current books. You'll view 33 charts as Pat Geisler tells you about them. Her style is informal, while still very informative, and sometimes sparks a chuckle-such that the reader can easily imagine how it could feel to be a student in a class Pat is teaching-and enjoying it very much, while also gaining a wealth of useful information. This is not a book for new beginners. It assumes...
In The Plain Vanilla Astrologer you'll read about a wide variety of astrological techniques in common use by most astrologers, but you'll also learn a...
This small but mighty follow-up to Pat Geisler's "The Plain Vanilla Astrologer" will be valued by professional astrologers and any astrologer who aspires to become a professional. Within its 66 pages the reader will find solid information and advice based on Pat's many years of experience as a professional counseling astrologer. Topics include "Ten Rules for Astrologers"-Pat's basic list, the Ethics of Astrology, How to Start Your Astrological Business, Setting Appropriate Fees, The Training Needed to Be a Professional and What to Do When Your Client Arrives. You'll find advice on handling a...
This small but mighty follow-up to Pat Geisler's "The Plain Vanilla Astrologer" will be valued by professional astrologers and any astrologer who aspi...