"The Battle of Bunker Hill" is the exciting story of the first major military conflict of the American Revolution and how two fathers and two sons left their respective farms to defend the heights overlooking Boston in 1775. Author William R. Chemerka, who wrote the original screenplay for producer-director Tony Malanowski's "The Battle of Bunker Hill" docudrama, weaves an emotional tale of two families, two armies, and the birth of nation.
"The Battle of Bunker Hill" is the exciting story of the first major military conflict of the American Revolution and how two fathers and two sons lef...
In 1986, The Alamo Journal, the official publication of The Alamo Society, began to meet the demand of those who wanted to know more about the Alamo of history and the Alamo of popular culture. Over the years, a number of articles, penned by professional and amateur historians, have added to our collective understanding of the siege of the Alamo. As a result of the contributors efforts since the Texas Sesquicentennial, every major book written about the Alamo and its participants has included references from The Alamo Journal.
This humble volume features a representative sample of articles...
In 1986, The Alamo Journal, the official publication of The Alamo Society, began to meet the demand of those who wanted to know more about the Alamo o...
Rock & Roll Recollections: A Journalist's 50-Year Diary features an interesting and revealing compilation of interviews, conversations, and anecdotes about a diverse lineup of Rock, Pop, and Soul performers. Author and musician William R. Chemerka provides unique glimpses into the professional and personal lives of musical performers who have made important contributions to the world of popular music. Rock on Other BearManor Media books by William R. Chemerka: Fess Parker: TV's Frontier Hero General Joseph Warren Revere: The Gothic Saga of Paul Revere's Grandson The Battle of Bunker Hill
Rock & Roll Recollections: A Journalist's 50-Year Diary features an interesting and revealing compilation of interviews, conversations, and anecdotes ...