Bol'shinstvo stran i narodov Evropy i Azii gruppiruetsya v sferakh pryamogo geopoliticheskogo vliyaniya Rossii, Germanii, Serbii, Iraka i Kitaya. Nablyudaetsya povtorenie otnosheniy etnicheskoy i religioznoy blizosti: v kazhdoy sfere est' dva gosudarstva s odnim i tem zhe ofitsial'nym yazykom (Germaniya i Avstriya, Serbiya i Chernogoriya, Kitay i Tayvan') i pr. Iberiyskiy i Balkanskiy poluostrov obladayut skhozhey istoriey i politicheskoy geografiey. Vazhnye istoricheskie sobytiya (kak naprimer Mirovye Voyny) proiskhodyat parami. V amerikanskoy i rossiyskoy istorii reshayushchee znachenie...
Bol'shinstvo stran i narodov Evropy i Azii gruppiruetsya v sferakh pryamogo geopoliticheskogo vliyaniya Rossii, Germanii, Serbii, Iraka i Kitaya. Nabl...
Les vibrations du nom d'une personne font partie de sa personnalitA(c) et deviennent trA]s importantes s'il s'agit d'une figure politique. Les influences planA(c)taires (y compris les annA(c)es de l'horoscope chinois et la rA(c)volution des Noeuds Lunaires) favorisent la rA(c)pA(c)tition pA(c)riodique dans l'histoire. Dans le livre on donne de nombreux exemples de rA(c)pA(c)titions historiques expliquA(c)es par l'horoscope chinois ou par la pA(c)riode de 18,5 ans de la rA(c)volution des Noeuds Lunaires (dont on rappelle les dA(c)finitions). On considA]re les noms des gA(c)nA(c)raux des deux...
Les vibrations du nom d'une personne font partie de sa personnalitA(c) et deviennent trA]s importantes s'il s'agit d'une figure politique. Les influen...
The book recalls previously developed approaches toward history based on correlation of words, astrological aspects and periodicities defined by the Chinese calendar and the Lunar Nodes. They are illustrated by new examples. Astonishing correlations are found among the astral signs of the French presidents, the German chancellors and the generals of the Russian Civil War (1918-1922). The strange form of some states such as Mali, Somalia, India and others is associated to inter-ethnic conflicts taking place in these countries. The astral themes of certain historical events and of their...
The book recalls previously developed approaches toward history based on correlation of words, astrological aspects and periodicities defined by the C...
Kniga snachala napominaet pri pomoshchi novykh primerov pro uzhe razvitye avtorom v predydushchikh knigakh metody izucheniya zakonomernostey v istorii (korrelyatsiya mezhdu slovami, astrologicheskie aspekty, periodichnosti, opredelyaemye kitayskim goroskopom i Lunnymi Uzlami). Ustanavlivayutsya udivitel'nye sovpadeniya otnositel'no znakov Zodiaka frantsuzskikh prezidentov, nemetskikh kantslerov i generalov Grazhdanskoy Voyny (1918-1922). Rassmatrivayusya gosudarstva neobychnoy formy (Mali, Somaliya, Indiya) i eti geograficheskie anomalii svyazyvayutsya s mezhetnicheskimi konfliktami....
Kniga snachala napominaet pri pomoshchi novykh primerov pro uzhe razvitye avtorom v predydushchikh knigakh metody izucheniya zakonomernostey v istorii...
Astrological aspects (conjunctions, oppositions, trines, squares, sextiles) between dates of two historical events explain their similar or opposite character. This is illustrated by the example of the Munich Conference (1938) and the birth dates of its participants. Historical repetitions connected with the 60 years period of the Chinese horoscope are considered (Russia annexed Crimea in 2014, 60 years after the peninsula was given to Ukraine on order of Khrushchev). The half-period of 30 years is connected with couples of events combining analogy and contrast (e.g. the Sepoy uprising of...
Astrological aspects (conjunctions, oppositions, trines, squares, sextiles) between dates of two historical events explain their similar or opposite c...