In rural Alabama, the summer of 1966, nine-year old Ella Clayton, sassy, quick-witted and sharp as a tack, has stumbled across a secret while searching for an old haunted shack up in the hills behind a waterfall. She will carry that secret until the end of summer. After a tragic accident happens to twenty-year old Jack Baysenstein, she has no choice but to tell what she knows. Ella, her brother Garris, her two friends, Joe and Deanie, will spend the rest of the summer pondering over who had beaten Jack and left him for dead. The mystery is solved when Jack is finally able to reveal to Ella...
In rural Alabama, the summer of 1966, nine-year old Ella Clayton, sassy, quick-witted and sharp as a tack, has stumbled across a secret while searchin...
'Going Home' is the first series of fictional short stories by Alabama author, Tess Walden. Tess as a child grew up in the rural south in the 1960's; her book written with humor is a reflection of that era of her childhood memories. Each character will leave a lasting impression with the reader. The last story in the book is a continuum from her book 'Like a Southland Mist' which the reader will be sure to enjoy. Pull up a rocking chair, pour a glass of sweet tea, and enjoy a good Sunday afternoon read.
'Going Home' is the first series of fictional short stories by Alabama author, Tess Walden. Tess as a child grew up in the rural south in the 1960's; ...