RL Rast's Southern Folk series follows the residents of Toff Boulevard in Mountain Brook, Alabama, an upscale neighborhood in the contemporary American South. From the Alabama courtrooms and country clubs to the resort towns of the gulf coast, Southern Folk bends reality to right a plethora of injustices and inconveniences in a journey down the rabbit hole of the author's imagination. Southern Folk-Two Tall Tales & Many Miracles offers the first two books in one volume. In Southern Folk-A Kidnapping on the Boulevard, wealthy Cory Farnsworth of Toff Boulevard and his beloved housekeeper, Miss...
RL Rast's Southern Folk series follows the residents of Toff Boulevard in Mountain Brook, Alabama, an upscale neighborhood in the contemporary America...
In the gorgeous romance, SOUTHERN FOLK - THE BELLE OF BIRMINGHAM, love blooms in the midst of an epic breakup, the divorce of an unforgettable Southern belle and her irresistibly entertaining husband, a wealthy old school New England Yankee fleeing a lifetime of family drama in the Deep South. RL Rast's SOUTHERN FOLK follows the residents of posh Toff Boulevard in Mountain Brook, Alabama in the contemporary American South. From the Alabama courtrooms and country clubs to the resort towns of the gulf coast, SOUTHERN FOLK bends reality in a journey down the rabbit hole and into a world filled...
In the gorgeous romance, SOUTHERN FOLK - THE BELLE OF BIRMINGHAM, love blooms in the midst of an epic breakup, the divorce of an unforgettable Souther...