In the distant future of 5063, the world as we know it has been ravaged by demons. Led by Luc Demesos, leader of the Luciant Empire and general in The Great Demon Invasion one-hundred years ago. In this post-apocalyptic world, Luc reigns as the King of the demon city Huamigra; however, a King is nothing without his Queen. Luc seeks to hold onto his kingdom as rebellion rumbles throughout this new Earth called Mort while trying to regain the love of his once loyal mate, Keriamatah Yahn. Keriamatah's past is unknown, her life changing the moment she met Luc. No one knows where she's from or the...
In the distant future of 5063, the world as we know it has been ravaged by demons. Led by Luc Demesos, leader of the Luciant Empire and general in The...