Mi vida? Bueno, decir que mi vida no iba como yo queria seria una gran subestimacion. Yo tenia veinte anos, habia acumulado mas de 20 infracciones, fui despedido de alrededor de 15 puestos de trabajo, y fui a la carcel 3 veces. Sabia que queria tener exito y alcanzar mis metas, pero no conseguia ponerme las pilas. Parecia como si hubiera una especie de fuerza invisible a mi que apareceria de la nada y saboteaba mis esfuerzos. Resulta que esta fuerza invisible tiene un nombre y es lo que Eckhart Tolle llama el "cuerpo del dolor." Asi que parecia era que estaba a punto de hacer algun tipo de...
Mi vida? Bueno, decir que mi vida no iba como yo queria seria una gran subestimacion. Yo tenia veinte anos, habia acumulado mas de 20 infracciones, fu...
You know that something is happening, because you can feel it. You don't know exactly what it is. Yet you sense that, just beneath the surface, everything is changing. What you don't know is: How does this affect me? What does this mean for me? How can I be a part of this change?
In Alive Awake Aware executive coach and spiritualist Christopher Pinckley helps you to understand what is taking place on the planet right now. If you have been feeling isolated, alone, confused, and anxious then this book can help you to reconnect with...
Feel yourself come alive
You know that something is happening, because you can feel it. You don't know exactly what it is. Yet you ...
You have a big idea and you want to shock the world. But, you've tried to get yourself going and constantly get sidetracked. Or, you're trying to expand your business to go global, but you can't seem to break through the barriers to entry. Or, you're a business leader, but you don't seem to command the level of respect that you need in order to make the kind of impact that you want. In State of Mind 2.0 executive coach Christopher Pinckley explains the secret formula that creates the type of individual who will achieve any goal, command the utmost respect...
Dream Big
You have a big idea and you want to shock the world. But, you've tried to get yourself going and constantly get sidetrack...