"The Adventures Of Tony The Deer" is a book for children. Tony lives happily with his Mom and father in the forest, until, his family moved, leaving him behind. Looking for a way back home, he is forced to go through many difficult situations, to fight dangerous opponents and, most important, to learn how to make real friends. While he is struggling to overcome stressful dangerous obstacles, he slowly realized that every animal in the forest is not his friend: A bear tricks a deer named Tony into believing that he has gone. However, the Deer gets trapped in a cave with two hungry bears, but...
"The Adventures Of Tony The Deer" is a book for children. Tony lives happily with his Mom and father in the forest, until, his family moved, leaving h...
Your children will enjoy reading about "Tyler's Wise Old Tree." They will enjoy the exciting often humorous lesions taught to Tyler about everyday life. They will remember the many lessons Mr. Tree teaches Tyler about life. Mr. Tree will tell Tyler how all-living things in nature reproduce themselves. He'll tell Tyler about the ecosystem and why all animals may become food for another. Mr. Tree will tell Tyler how plants in the desert survive with little water...and why the rainforest is so important. Your child will gain a special awareness of, and they will understand the circle of life.
Your children will enjoy reading about "Tyler's Wise Old Tree." They will enjoy the exciting often humorous lesions taught to Tyler about everyday lif...
This baffling mystery story seeks to find who killed Nancy. Was it one of her friends, her servants or someone else? The book captivates the reader with characters, clues and intrigue. Jonathan and Isabelle closely observe all suspects to find a pattern to lead them to her murderer. Isabelle Brownstone is a drama, a romance story, a thriller, an explorative work; the story is fiction. Follow the migration of a young woman from the eastern shores of Virginia, to a new life in Norfolk, where nothing changes but everything is the same. Feel the roots of an economically divided coastal community...
This baffling mystery story seeks to find who killed Nancy. Was it one of her friends, her servants or someone else? The book captivates the reader wi...