The Four Gates of Heaven is a tantalizing sci-fi adventure in which Professor Daniel Johnson and his fiancee, Dr. Helena Edward, embark on an epic journey in search of the staff of Eden, the twelve stones of Joshua, and the lost Ark of the Covenant. Their search leads them to the descendants of the Knights Templar and the modern day Bilderberg Group, the most powerful organization on earth today. This fast-moving story involves Israeli military intelligence, AMAN, and the American national security agency, the NSA, in the plot as the two scientists are joined by Professor Lahav of Hebrew...
The Four Gates of Heaven is a tantalizing sci-fi adventure in which Professor Daniel Johnson and his fiancee, Dr. Helena Edward, embark on an epic jou...
One of the most amazing epic stories in recent memory, the connection between ancient alien beings and human history is captured in this mesmerizing science fiction novel.
A biblical passage from the Book of Genesis points the way to this connection, which recently has been tied to new excavations in Southeast Turkey, thought by several archeologists to be the site of the fabled Garden of Eden.
The story ties the ancient Jewish staff of Moses to the Knights Templers, the Bilderberg Group, the American NSA, and Israeli intelligence services, all in pursuit of the secretive...
One of the most amazing epic stories in recent memory, the connection between ancient alien beings and human history is captured in this mesmerizin...