With a focus on ecology, economy and engine performance, diesel engines are explored in relation to current research and developments. The prevalent trends in this development are outlined with particular focus on the most frequently used alternative fuels in diesel engines; the properties of various type of biodiesel and the concurrent improvement of diesel engine characteristics using numeric optimization alongside current investigation and research work in the field.
Following of a short overview of engine control, aftertreatment and alternative fuels, Green Diesel Engine...
With a focus on ecology, economy and engine performance, diesel engines are explored in relation to current research and developments. The prevalen...
With a focus onecology, economy and engine performance, diesel engines are explored in relation to current research and developments. The prevalent trends in this development are outlined with particular focus on the most frequently used alternative fuels in diesel engines; the properties of various type of biodiesel and the concurrent improvement of diesel engine characteristics using numeric optimization alongside current investigation and research work in the field.
Following of a short overview of engine control, aftertreatment and alternative fuels, Green Diesel Engine...
With a focus onecology, economy and engine performance, diesel engines are explored in relation to current research and developments. The prevalent...