The assurance of the quality and the reliability of the pharmaceutical products together with their careful control are a moral obligation arising from the humanism towards the sick.Consequently the manufacture and the control of drugs is a very responsible task and needs substantial knowledge of science.Drug analysis is carried by analytical methods which further classified as Chemical and Instrumental Analytical methods. Although chemical methods are cheap, but instrumental methods are very fast and accurate.A search of literature reveals that there are very few methods available for the...
The assurance of the quality and the reliability of the pharmaceutical products together with their careful control are a moral obligation arising fro...
Present book provides an insight to the synthesis, characterization and structural analysis of compounds containing nitrogen and sulfur containing chelating agents. Keeping in mind the biological, medicinal, industrial and chelating importance of sulfur (alone) and nitrogen containing donor ligands, two important chelating agents, viz Potassium-2-trithiocarbonatoethyl xanthate (PTEX) and 2-amino-4-benzamido thiosemicarbazide (ABTSC) have been discussed in details w.r.t. their synthesis, characterization and metals complexes. All the possible techniques have been dealt in order to elucidate...
Present book provides an insight to the synthesis, characterization and structural analysis of compounds containing nitrogen and sulfur containing che...