Technical Analysis represents the trend of the market (a stock or a group of stocks) graphically. If more investors are in the market, a stock or a group of stocks, its trend is up until it changes. We divide the trends into short-term, intermediate-term and long-term. The chartists usually do not consider fundamentals as they believe they have already been priced in the stock price and some fundamentals are not available to the public. To illustrate, a new drug has been discovered, the stock price of the company jumps initially by insiders and the informed. Its fundamental metrics do not...
Technical Analysis represents the trend of the market (a stock or a group of stocks) graphically. If more investors are in the market, a stock or a gr...
This book will answer some of the questions with regard to trading stocks. They are but not limited to: The fair price of your trade. Protect your profits. Make extra money with covered calls. Diversify your portfolio. Bonds. Taxes. Trade plan. Last Update: 11/2016. Size: 65 pages (6*9)"
This book will answer some of the questions with regard to trading stocks. They are but not limited to: The fair price of your trade. Protect your pro...
Enter the fundamental metric information such as P/E on any 100 stocks into a scoring system. If the top 25% of the stocks perform a lot better than the rest in 6 months consistently, then it is a good scoring system. I have been using my own scoring system for years. It sums up the individual scores for selected fundamental metrics. When the total passes a certain number, evaluate the stock further for potential purchase. This scoring system has been updated many times for refinements and adapting to the changing market conditions. All metric information can be obtained from web sites. Many...
Enter the fundamental metric information such as P/E on any 100 stocks into a scoring system. If the top 25% of the stocks perform a lot better than t...
Investing could be simple and profitable to beginners and experts alike. The best and easiest way is to use ETFs. Most fund managers and hedge fund managers after their hefty fees cannot beat the index. Just buy SPY (an ETF stimulating the market) and you're diversified and beat most fund managers. This book is different from most other books on this topic. There are many techniques hidden that help you to beat the market and at the same time ensure safety for your hard-earned money. The average of the loss of the last two market crashes is about 45% from their peaks. It is the main theme in...
Investing could be simple and profitable to beginners and experts alike. The best and easiest way is to use ETFs. Most fund managers and hedge fund ma...
Many economic concepts particularly on Asia have been misunderstood even by the professors in our top colleges. When we invest in foreign countries, we need to evaluate their economies. This book has 67 articles covering most economic topics for investors. I also compare our economy to China's, Japan and India. I discovered the major reason of a secular market is due to wars or lack of wars. My Coconut Theory explains why we're declining and China is rising. Contrary to popular belief, India will not catch up with China in the coming decade and its demographics actually harms India by eating...
Many economic concepts particularly on Asia have been misunderstood even by the professors in our top colleges. When we invest in foreign countries, w...
This book implements the best and yet simplest strategy in selecting stocks. First, read my "Top-Down Investing in a Nutshell" and how we implement this strategy by market timing, sector (subsector) timing and stock selection. This book helps someone looking for simple but profitable strategies in investing. It only takes about half an hour a month to monitor the market and decide what stocks to buy and sell. This book uses the advanced strategies described in my other books but in very simplified instructions. The trick is to make them easy to use from the research information available to...
This book implements the best and yet simplest strategy in selecting stocks. First, read my "Top-Down Investing in a Nutshell" and how we implement th...
This book includes many strategies geared towards trading for profits. Any strategy could be over-used. We need to use the right strategy for the current market conditions. Many investors, including many fund managers, fail to do so and achieve a sub-par performance. This book represents my decades of trading experiences, at least a thousand of simulations and summaries of hundreds of investing books I read. The strategy is backed up by profitable performances of these super stocks in real trades (not after-the-fact). Market timing is discussed in detail with market cycles, as well as by...
This book includes many strategies geared towards trading for profits. Any strategy could be over-used. We need to use the right strategy for the curr...
There are thousands of stocks (about 7,000 and 30,000 if including smaller and foreign exchanges). How can you find the winners? Use one of the simple screens that are available to you free from many web sites (such as the one from your broker) to find a handful of stocks. The filter criteria could be "P/E
There are thousands of stocks (about 7,000 and 30,000 if including smaller and foreign exchanges). How can you find the winners? Use one of the simple...
Enter the fundamental metric information such as P/E on any 100 stocks into a scoring system. If the top 25% of the stocks perform a lot better than the rest in 6 months consistently, then it is a good scoring system. I have been using my own scoring system for years. It sums up the individual scores for selected fundamental metrics. When the total passes a certain number, evaluate the stock further for potential purchase. This scoring system has been updated many times for refinements and adapting to the changing market conditions. All metric information can be obtained from web sites. Many...
Enter the fundamental metric information such as P/E on any 100 stocks into a scoring system. If the top 25% of the stocks perform a lot better than t...
This book is targeted to beginner investors and/or couch potatoes who do not want to spend a lot of time in managing their investments. This book helps someone looking for simple but profitable strategies in investing. It only takes about half an hour a month to monitor the market and decide what stocks to buy and sell. This book uses the advanced strategies described in my other books but in very simplified instructions. The trick is to make them easy to use from the research information available to us free of charge. In general, the first chapter in each section tells you what to do (the...
This book is targeted to beginner investors and/or couch potatoes who do not want to spend a lot of time in managing their investments. This book help...