In the book describes the phenomenon of conversion of magnetic vortices in the flow of alternating current. The design of the device, which implements the phenomenon of the physical vacuum. The main elements of the device are: the high-frequency current generator, which creates a flow of electric current in the bifilar winding transfrmatora. Between turns of bifilar windings having magnetic vortices, which excite the electric current in any helical conductors, for example, in a spiral light bulb. This phenomenon was first discovered by Tesla. Physical basis of the phenomenon of Tesla is the...
In the book describes the phenomenon of conversion of magnetic vortices in the flow of alternating current. The design of the device, which implements...
Posvyashchayu pamyati Alekseya Alekseevicha Korneeva-sozdatelya novoy nauki -Chislonavtiki. Gomeostaz Vselennoy eto zamknutaya beskonechnaya tsep Metemorfoz fotonov Sveta, nerazumno lishyennykh massy Standartnoy modelyu , osnovannoy na nenablyudaemykh kvarkakh, glyuonakh, tsvetakh, aromatakh i chastitsakh Khiggsa . Kazhdyy metamorfoz beryet svoye nachalo v nedrakh fotonnoy struktury Telo Mirozdaniya sotkano iz fotonov Sveta. Goryachie fotony Sveta izluchayut fotosfery Solntsa i zvyezd . Dvizhenie goryachikh fotonov Sveta v materialnom prostranstve pogloshchaet ikh energiyu , fotony...
Posvyashchayu pamyati Alekseya Alekseevicha Korneeva-sozdatelya novoy nauki -Chislonavtiki. Gomeostaz Vselennoy eto zamknutaya beskonechnaya tsep Met...
Obnaruzhenie i opisanie zabluzhdeniy velikikh matematikov stalo vozmozhnym blagodarya otkrytiyu ranee neizvestnogo metoda resheniya zadach matematicheskoy fiziki. Metod osnovan na unikalnykh svoystvakh primitivnykh . Bylo izvestno, chto eti troyki chisel stroyatsya iz par chisel v>u beskonechnogo ryada naturalnykh chisel. Issleduya eti chisla, avtor knigi obnaruzhil ikh unikalnuyu geometricheskuyu interpretatsiyu i pryamuyu svyaz s parametrami fotonov Sveta i Tmy. Esli katetam pryamougolnogo treugolnika Pifagora prisvaivat znacheniya pervykh dvukh chisel Pifagora, to mozhno vychislit...
Obnaruzhenie i opisanie zabluzhdeniy velikikh matematikov stalo vozmozhnym blagodarya otkrytiyu ranee neizvestnogo metoda resheniya zadach matematiche...
Next to the economic crisis by crisis sweeping the world of basic science. Some powerful oligarchic forces drive the human civilization to a standstill. Billions of dollars have been spent on the construction of a giant monster - Large Hadron Collider for the sole purpose of proving the feasibility of the Standard Model absurd. The basis of this model are unobservable dead balls - quarks, colors, flavors, gluons and the Higgs particle. Thousands of scientists rushed to Geneva with a desire to earn big money. For the theoretical prediction of the existence of Higgs particles of the Nobel Prize...
Next to the economic crisis by crisis sweeping the world of basic science. Some powerful oligarchic forces drive the human civilization to a standstil...
The book describes the conflict between Science and observable Reality. The conflict arose as a result of the basic postulate of the Standard Model, which eliminated the rest mass of a photon of light and built the concept of the structure of matter from quarks, colors, flavors and Higgs particles. The author offers the only way to resolve the conflict by restoring the rest mass of a photon of light and build photonic structure of the Universe.
The book describes the conflict between Science and observable Reality. The conflict arose as a result of the basic postulate of the Standard Model, w...
Problems, whose solutions is suggested by the author of this book, are multifaceted. It is tessellated picture. Respectively - a description of the problem solutions is fragmented as and mosaic picture. The reader himself must integrate all the pieces into a single picture mosaic Universe. The result of such integration - creating new quantum theory of gravitational and electromagnetic fields and creating the Relation Certaint
Problems, whose solutions is suggested by the author of this book, are multifaceted. It is tessellated picture. Respectively - a description of the pr...