Do you know the Master painter? Come learn about a little Colorado sandpiper transplant, blessed daughter of the King, who travels yearly to the water's edge that He might reflect His glory on a well-painted canvas for the world to see through the touch of the Master's hand.
Do you know the Master painter? Come learn about a little Colorado sandpiper transplant, blessed daughter of the King, who travels yearly to the water...
Tamara J. Buchan Shannon Satterberg Anne D. Thompson
We are in an identity crisis because we've been victims of identity theft. No, it's not earthly identity theft where our social security numbers are stolen and our credit cards hacked. Spiritual identity theft is far more serious-leading to a crisis that goes beyond our finances in scope. It affects every area of our lives: relationships, self-esteem, health, vocational success, and fulfillment of our deepest dreams. One of Jesus' most powerful statements encapsulates this truth: "The thief came to rob, kill and destroy. I came that you might live the fulfilling, abundant life you were...
We are in an identity crisis because we've been victims of identity theft. No, it's not earthly identity theft where our social security numbers are s...