This book contains approximately 3,800 words but a powerful subject is addressed within its content. - - - "Can two walk together, except they be agreed?" (Amos3:3 KJV) From the surface, it sounds very nice and like an event of spiritual peace among these two major denominations, that would be such a wonderful thing to see happen but is it even remotely realistic or achievable? Maybe the more important question would be this: Does God desire for such opposed religious practices to reach a point of saying "Every road leads to God.," when the Holy Scriptures do not at all endorse such a...
This book contains approximately 3,800 words but a powerful subject is addressed within its content. - - - "Can two walk together, except they be agre...
This booklet is designed to provide the reader with an education on the extremely interesting subject of a pre-Adamic creation (before Adam), as revealed in the Holy Bible. I have published several other resources on the Genesis Gap Bible subject, ranging from about 7,000 to 27,200 words in length each. In this resource, I am providing a complete rundown of the teaching in only about 2,700 words. While I reference many scriptures, I do not quote them within the text of this short subject book but I leave it to the reader to look them up and to confirm the accuracy of my references to them. I...
This booklet is designed to provide the reader with an education on the extremely interesting subject of a pre-Adamic creation (before Adam), as revea...
According to reputable medical sources, there are more than 100 identified types of Peripheral Neuropathies (PN) that are experienced by between 15 and 30 million people in the U.S. and at least 130 million people, globally (statistics vary somewhat among sources). While there is such a large number of PN types, all of these conditions boil down to one thing...nerve damage resulting in pain or failure of them to function properly. Nerves become changed with PN, in their reactions to pain and other physical sensations, which can also cause muscle weakness and potential dysfunction in major...
According to reputable medical sources, there are more than 100 identified types of Peripheral Neuropathies (PN) that are experienced by between 15 an...
Stated simply, "The Genesis Gap" is belief that angels rebelled against God, at a time not revealed but that was obviously previous to Adam and Eve who were given dominion of the earth, after it was destroyed by God and re-created. This is why we see a finished heaven and earth in Genesis 1:1, followed by an earth that is covered by darkness and a catastrophic flood of water in verse 2. The teaching postulates that angels may have actually inhabited the earth (Jude 1:6) and that they had some type of kingdom over which Lucifer ruled. In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And ...
Stated simply, "The Genesis Gap" is belief that angels rebelled against God, at a time not revealed but that was obviously previous to Adam and Eve wh...
These true story Christian testimonies and doctrines are each written as short chapters. They are in many cases summations of Biblical teaching with the main points of truth being given to the reader, without the unnecessary filler-information. Some of the testimonies and/or Bible teachings may only be 300 words in length, while others are 1,000 words or slightly more, making them a rough average of about 650 words each. The total word count of this book is approximately 24,865. A wide range of subjects are covered but in such a way as to keep the reader interested. See the 40 chapters list...
These true story Christian testimonies and doctrines are each written as short chapters. They are in many cases summations of Biblical teaching with t...
This book (Approx. 8,865 words in length) is not deeply scientific but rather relates the journey (mine) that a person will take generally who is seeking their ancestral history, including learning enough to understand how to interpret their DNA analysis. As I relate in my numbered posts within this book, there can be satisfaction, surprises and at times, disappointments. All of this can happen when one takes a look at the results of ancestral DNA testing. I wrote this informational book in parts over several months, like one might make entries into a diary. What the information will do, is...
This book (Approx. 8,865 words in length) is not deeply scientific but rather relates the journey (mine) that a person will take generally who is seek...