This book explores the transatlantic relationship between the US and Europe from multiple perspectives and disciplines.
Since the end of the Cold War, a multi-polar world has replaced the dual power economic and political stranglehold previously shared by the US and Russia. Amid the shift in power politics, the transatlantic partnership between the US and Europe has retained its importance in shaping the outcome of future global developments. With the rise of the US as a major world power and the tremendous economic growths witnessed by countries such as China, India and Brazil, the...
This book explores the transatlantic relationship between the US and Europe from multiple perspectives and disciplines.
This volume captures the essence of how we communicate differences in relationships, between and across cultures, in organizations, through education and in moments of local and global conflict and crisis that demonstrates the importance and viability of approaching peace and conflict communication from various fields within communication studies.
This volume captures the essence of how we communicate differences in relationships, between and across cultures, in organizations, through education ...