Seven Scarlet Doors is the third installment of a futuristic trilogy in which humans are living in a dystopian world. Capitalism has failed, a great cataclysm has occurred, and an "End Times" of our own making has left our planet in chaos. In the first book in the series, Dying to Learn, an Avatar named OroCritshna comes to Earth to teach and to guide the resurrection of the human race. But because our planet is shrouded in superstition, ignorance, and darkness, OroCritshna finds few students who understand his messages of Truth, Love and Light. Only one Initiate - Vadusfadam - attains...
Seven Scarlet Doors is the third installment of a futuristic trilogy in which humans are living in a dystopian world. Capitalism has failed, a great c...
Barbara Marx Hubbard's extraordinary new book offers an evolutionary, future-oriented perspective to the Gospels of Jesus Christ. Barbara reveals that many of the miracles Jesus performed are actually similar to those acts that we currently aspire to achieve today, but so often without consciousness of Christ love.
This book builds on the great themes in the New Testament, such as Jesus' statement: "You will do the works that I do, and greater works will you do in the fullness of time..." and St. Paul: "Behold I show you a mystery, we shall not all sleep, we shall...
Barbara Marx Hubbard's extraordinary new book offers an evolutionary, future-oriented perspective to the Gospels of Jesus Christ. ...