If you are constantly fighting with your swimming pool water each year take a look at this pool water guideline. Water Chemistry 101 is for anyone wondering how to keep their water crystal clean, and safe for their entire family. Get answers to questions about metals in your water, how to eliminate algae and steps to take when you can't keep a chlorine level. Offers a comprehensive troubleshooting guide answering the most common questions that arise during pool maintainence.
If you are constantly fighting with your swimming pool water each year take a look at this pool water guideline. Water Chemistry 101 is for anyone won...
This book is a compilation of all the Pro Pool Girl series, with a few extra tidbits including how to open and close a swimming pool. This book gives you guidelines, and money saving tips to enhance your enjoyment of your backyard oasis. A comprehensive collection of over 25years experience in the swimming pool industry Pro Pool Girl answers frequently asked questions and lets you in on the inside scoop of proper pool safety and care.
This book is a compilation of all the Pro Pool Girl series, with a few extra tidbits including how to open and close a swimming pool. This book gives ...