The Manual You Should Have Been Given When You Were Born is not like any other body book you've ever read. It's about functioning with your body from the perspective of beingness. It explores how you, as an infinite being, can experience greatness with your body. "What if your body were an ongoing source of joy? " This book may go against everything you've ever thought, everything you've been taught and everything you've read; and everything you have brought that everyone else believes. It doesn't claim to give you all the answers. Instead it will encourage you to ask the questions that will...
The Manual You Should Have Been Given When You Were Born is not like any other body book you've ever read. It's about functioning with your body from ...
This is a sharp and refreshing departure from conventional books about sex and relationship that are based on psychological theories and principles. "If those really worked," writes Gary Douglas, "wouldn't you have been free, expansive and joyful in your relationship a long time ago?" Funny, frank, and delightfully irreverent, Sex Is Not a Four Letter Word but Relationship Often Is, offers readers an entirely fresh view of how to create great intimacy and exceptional sex, and provides answers to questions you may never have thought to ask.
This is a sharp and refreshing departure from conventional books about sex and relationship that are based on psychological theories and principles...
"Talk to the Animals" by Gary M. Douglas & Dr. Dain Heer gives you pragmatic tools and techniques to actually talk to the animals and contribute to the earth What if peace was a natural state for animals? When you create or tap into a place of peace for your horse, dog or cat, then everything becomes calm, cool and're in the zone. Did you know that every animal, plant and structure on this planet has consciousness and desires to gift to you?
If you are unwilling to receive, then you miss out on what they wish to give you. You also limit your ability to...
"Talk to the Animals" by Gary M. Douglas & Dr. Dain Heer gives you pragmatic tools and techniques to actually talk to the animals and cont...